Mike said, do you know that God has purpose for you before a person?.Mike asked, what happens when you find that person? Do you change? Do you start doing something now that you have a person?.Mike asked what the person was like and she started to list things out (clearly didn’t watch “Rip Up Your List”).Today’s message was sparked by a conversation with a young lady who said she’s prepared and ready to find “her person” after watching Relationship Goals Reloaded three times and sharing with all of her friends.When we get revelations for our relationships, it changes everything.If the relationship is not good, we need to ask God to uncover what’s not for us – uncover pride, and allow God to uncover the issues in our hearts – give us revelation for our relationships.We need to want God to uncover the things that are wrong.God wants you to have revelation for your relationship.God is trying to give you light right now – revelation.“Oh he keeps cheating on me” – you stayed there.All the resources and word, then it’s your fault.If you look the same next year as you do now relationally, then it’s your fault.If you answer the questions in the following study guide, it will unfold what’s in you and allow God to define what he wants to bring out of you.Finally, last week, we had a relationship goals revival Then we started ripping up lists for two week. That’s why in week 1, we said we would live the principles of God – we would look at our experiences, but go back to the manufacturer and note that until you go and get the maker’s mind on what the product is, then you will abuse it.If we look at what God wants for us, we would be loaded for every relationship we come in contact with.Today, we’re starting week 5 of Relationship Goals Reloaded.Everything that isn’t like God is going to the left.Declare in faith that all the relationships that I have are getting better and the ones I shouldn’t have are exiting right now.We need to get the aim right to hit a goal we need the right goal so that we can aim.The relationships we’re allowing to be in our life can be to our detriment.Some of us are living lower lives because of the people we’re bringing into our life.If we can get the relationships right, we can get the lives that God intended for us to live.it always stems from a relational issue – a parent, a first boyfriend, coworker etc. Mike counsels a bunch of people, and when he looks at the issues, emotional, financial, anger, etc.Today, we will look at what the word says about our relationships.It’ll be wise for us to look at what the word says.

You have to get up and live some things get up and confront some things.God is so good that He doesn’t just give us one weapon, the word is our weapon too.He healed our relationships and perspectives.Some of you are still on high from the Relationship Goals revival that we had last week we were about to preach and we worshipped for 2.5 hours.God is meeting your needs and God is the waymaker, provider, and knows exactly what we need, and when we need it.Your seed is going places that you may never go, other cities, countries, and touching other people you may never meet Maybe you need peace, maybe you need a door to open.What if the answer to your prayer comes from you being the answer to somebody else’s prayer? Their prayer can be getting answered because of something you’re doing. There was a greeter there to connect with both her and her son. Someone sent her a TC sermon and she visited. One of our partners, Deanna, everything seemed good, but on the inside she was dealing with chaos and a toxic relationship that drained the life out of her.Your giving touches people you will never meet in person God’s word is always creating paths for us.Demario Tucker’s Introduction (Reach Pastor)