Not to fret, this isn’t where Marci’s story ends. But not only did he live in another state, he was also married. The radio hosts tell us that Josh was in fact, found. Local businesses and people in the community started to join in on the fun with clever slogans, t-shirts, and billboards to find Josh. She then made a facebook post to have the community help her “Find Josh”! The chance meeting happened when Josh mistook her for someone else at the restaurant. The woman is kindergarten teacher Marci Scott who said she did a wedding ring check and there was no ring on Josh’s finger.

George Cafe Rio sparked a huge search to help her find him. Throughout the game, she uses several Spanish words such as “gringo” (a foreigner, typically those from the USA) and “comprende” (similar to the Spanish “comprender,” meaning “understand”).Radio hosts DJ and Aaronee of Cat Country Utah zoomed into the show to tell the story of a Facebook post gone viral! One woman’s encounter with a handsome stranger, Josh, in a St. Carla is possibly of Hispanic descent.Carla is one of the few characters in Kindergarten 2 who is not required to die in any missions in order for them to be successfully completed.She is one of the few students that can read, but she will only read if it is required.
#Nugget kindergarten archive

In the morning, she offers to smuggle any contraband the Player is carrying into the school for 1 dollar. Unlike many of the debuting students, she takes a rather friendly and open approach to the Protagonist, offering to help them out multiple times if they haven't wronged her. During recess, she jumps on the trampoline and is seemingly very territorial of it. She is in the smart class, and can be found having a tug-of-war with Jerome for a basketball during Gym, and goes to Science during the Things That Go Boom mission. Carla can help The Protagonist in multiple ways throughout the day. She has a rebellious attitude and knows her way around the school. Kindergarten 2 Carla is a character in Kindergarten 2.